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How do I sell my Ingresse-tickets on TicketSwap?
How do I sell my Ingresse-tickets on TicketSwap?
Liza avatar
Skrivet av Liza
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How do I sell my Ingresse-tickets on TicketSwap?

We at TicketSwap are working hard to ensure the safety of our platform. A big part of this is partnering with organizations and ticket providers to ensure the safe swapping of your tickets through SecureSwap. For extra security, tickets bought from our partner Ingresse can only be sold through the app.

If you want to sell your tickets for a partnered Ingresse-event, just log into your account on the Ingresse-platform and go to your ticket wallet. On the page of the ticket, you get the option to sell your ticket on TicketSwap. You may be asked to grant us permission to upload the ticket.

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