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Account und Verifizierung
Ich möchte meine Identität verifzieren
I’m getting an error when trying to verify my identity, how can I fix this?
I’m getting an error when trying to verify my identity, how can I fix this?
Lukas avatar
Verfasst von Lukas
Vor über einer Woche aktualisiert

Our payment provider Stripe is required to adhere to international Know Your Customer regulations. This means that you might be asked to provide some personal information or upload a copy of your ID or passport. If you don’t know what’s going wrong, it’s probably that the information you provide has a slight mismatch with the details we have in our system.

Luckily, you can change this yourself. We will ask you to double-check your information, and you can always change it through this page. If you make sure the info here matches the info on your ID or passport, you should be good to go!

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