My tickets are not in a pdf file, what now?
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My tickets are not in a pdf file, what now?

You can sell your ticket for all kinds of events, from festivals, clubs, concerts, theatre, sports, museums and theme parks. As long as it is an e-ticket in a PDF or .pkpass (mobile ticket) format it will be accepted on our platform.

Unfortunately, we do not accept tickets that are hard-copy (or physical) or a scan or photo of a ticket. Neither of these are processable as we need the original PDF or .pkpass in order to send the tickets directly to the buyer.

Please note: If you are trying to sell a hard-copy ticket, please contact the organisation to see if it is possible to get a PDF version of the ticket, if not, we would suggest to sell your ticket on a different platform such as Facebook or Ebay.

We also don’t allow the sale of the following types of tickets due to regulations: flight tickets, guest-list tickets or tickets that have been won. With these tickets being under a specific name, the risk of someone not being able to use the ticket is too big.

I have Ticketmaster Go tickets, can I sell those?

We noticed that there is no longer an easy way to upload your Ticketmaster Go Mobile tickets to our platform when you want to sell them. Therefore, we decided to allow you to upload screenshots, only for these types of tickets.

“How can I do that”, you ask? It’s easy, you just need to select the second option “Upload Ticketmaster Go Mobile tickets” when it is time to Add your tickets:

Ticketmaster GoMobile

In order to have a successful upload, each screenshot must contain only one fully visible ticket, with either a barcode, or a QR code (but not both). Here is an example:

gomobile ticket

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