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Can I sell these tickets?
I only have a screenshot or hard copy – how can I sell my ticket?
I only have a screenshot or hard copy – how can I sell my ticket?

Find out how to get, save and sell your original PDF ticket.

Lukas avatar
Written by Lukas
Updated today

Sometimes it might happen that you only have a screenshot or hard copy ticket. Keep in mind you cannot upload a screenshot to sell, but there are some ways to solve this issue. Here’s what you can do:

I only have a screenshot or hard copy ticket

  • Search through your email for the original PDF ticket attachment. Type the name of the event, or “ticket” and you’ll usually find it.

  • Did you get the screenshot from a friend? Reach out to them and ask them to share the original PDF or Apple Wallet ticket with you.

  • Only have a hard copy? Email the organiser directly to ask them to send you the original PDF ticket.

I only have a Ticketmaster mobile-only ticket

I don’t have a ticket yet

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